Load Event
Create a new load in the system
Create a new load with all associated details including pickup/delivery information, equipment requirements, and pricing.
This endpoint requires a Bearer token in the Authorization header:
Type of event. For now, only ‘load_upsert’ is supported.
Contact information for this load
Type of load. Must be one of: - can-get
- owned
Custom identifier for the load
List of stops for this load
Maximum buying rate for the load
Load status. Must be one of: - Available
- Covered
- Eload
- Hold
- EloadFortus
- AcceptingOffers
- Unavailable
Whether this is a partial load
Rate posted for carriers
Additional notes about the sale
Branch handling the load
Type of commodity being transported
Weight of the load in pounds
Number of pieces in the load
Total miles for the trip
Dimensions of the load
Name of the required equipment type
The UUID of the created load
ISO 8601 formatted creation timestamp
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