Get Loads
Search for loads matching the given criteria
Search for loads using optional filter parameters. Returns a list of matching loads. Depending on the use case, you may need to implement different filters, not all of these are required for everyone.
Query Parameters
Filter by origin city
Filter by origin state
Filter by destination city
Filter by destination state
Filter by equipment type name
Filter Reefer loads by the minimum allowed temperature
Filter Reefer loads by the maximum allowed temperature
Filter by pickup date (ISO 8601 format)
Latitude coordinate for the origin location (in decimal degrees)
Longitude coordinate for the origin location (in decimal degrees)
Search radius (in miles) from the origin coordinates
Latitude coordinate for the destination location (in decimal degrees)
Longitude coordinate for the destination location (in decimal degrees)
Search radius (in miles) from the destination coordinates
Status Codes
Successfully retrieved the list of loads
Internal server error
List of loads matching the search criteria
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