Update a note on a call
Your API key for authentication. Use Bearer format.
Path Parameters
ID of the call.
ID of the note.
Content of the note.
Date the note was created.
Unique identifier for the note.
User ID that created the note.
Whether the note is flaged or not.
Agent that handled the call.
Date the call was created.
Unique identifier for the call.
Language of the call.
, en-GB
, es-MX
, es-ES
, pt-PT
, de-DE
, fr-FR
, pl-PL
, ro-RO
, it-IT
Call metadata.
Organization ID.
Provider of the call.
, Web
, Chat
Status of the call.
, Queued
, Initiated
, Ringing
, In progress
, Transferred
, Completed
, AMD Terminated
, Busy
, No answer
, Canceled
, Failed
Type of the call.
, Outbound
Use case that handled the call.
User emails that have viewed the call in the Happyrobot App.
Campaign ID.
Tag classification of the call.
Costs associated with the call.
Duration of the call in seconds.
AI extracted data from the call.
Specifies the maximum duration of the call in minutes. This value takes precedence over the maximum duration specified in the use-case. If neither is provided, the default duration is 10 minutes.
Notes associated with the call.
Dynamic parameters to inject into the templated use case prompt.
Parent call ID in the case of repeated calls.
Prompt ID.
Ratings emojis associated with the call.
Sample IDs that are associated with the call.
ISO 8601 UTC datetime the call is scheduled for.
Email of the transfer contact.
Whether the backup model was used.
Whether the call should wait until the model is awake.