When creating a new account with us, you’ll automatically have 10 min of free usage. This should allow you to test out the platform and see if it’s right for you.

Developer Pricing

Our developer pricing is a pay-as-you-go model. You’ll only pay for the minutes of call you use.

Usage Based

Call cost: $0.25/min

Running a voice AI assistant requires transcribing audio, generating a response with an LLM, and then synthesizing the response. This is a compute intensive process, and we charge for the compute time used.

This pricing is subject to change as we make our systems more efficient, but we will always give you 30 days notice before any changes take effect.

Enterprise Pricing

If you have a complex use case, need a custom SLA, or have a high volume of calls, we can work with you to create a custom enterprise plan. Please contact us at founders@happyrobot.ai to discuss your needs.